Young Architects Club (YAC)

The Club of Young Architects (YAC) at the UARK is a unique creative team of inspired like-minded people with the support of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan and interested professionals. The energy and desire to develop professionally and improve the environment, revitalize the city life, develop architectural skills and lift the creative activity of young people to a new level is the engine that drives YAC forward and helps to grow. The organization of architectural and art festivals, professional meetings and master classes, city events and projects is a positive charge and message, the desire to improve the scope of our activity.

Our mission is to form a comprehensively developed competitive creative youth capable of making a significant contribution to the development of architecture and urban planning and to the prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • To promote the professional and creative development of young professionals – architects and students of architecture universities, through participation in various events, competitions, internships and training;
  • Creation of a working platform for the implementation of ideas-projects of young architects and specialists;
  • Create conditions for the development of professional skills among young architects, including for subsequent work in design organizations.

Areas of activity of YAC at the UARK:

  1. Organization of master classes, workshops, creative contests, festivals for young professionals.
  2. Development and organization of the events (proposal of the topic and concept of the event, selection of the place and time, organizational details)
  3. Attraction and negotiations with speakers
  4. Attraction and negotiations with sponsors
  5. Support for young architects and students in participating in architectural competitions in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.
  6. Regular informing about competitions
  7. Consultations on the formation of a package of documents for participation
  8. Organization of consultations with experienced architects
  9. Promotion of ideas of young professionals, students on the improvement of the urban environment, including advice and support from experienced architects.
  10. Interaction with specialized educational institutions (by cities and regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and holding joint events.

Participants (members of the YAC):

Young professionals and undergraduate students who are ready to take on certain types of work and actively participate in the activities of the club.

Benefits of membership in YAC at UARK:

  1. Participation in vocational training and development events organized by UARK
  2. Participation in architectural competitions organized by UARK
  3. Support for UARK with the participation of YMA members in city, republican and international competitions

To join the youth association, please contact Anton Fedyanin Chief Architect Centerproject PA “KAZGOR” (, 8 (727) 279-93-47 (ext. 139))